Presentation at International e-Conference on New Normal in Education 2020 (IENNE 2020)

IENNE 2020 Malaysia

The conference was organized by Mindware PLT and Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB) UiTM, Shah Alam. IENNE 2020 aims to bring together experts in the field, practitioners, scholars and various stakeholders to share pertinent issues and challenges in emerging ‘new normal’ in COVID-19 environment. It is a great opportunity to discuss new possibilities for sharing insights… Continue reading Presentation at International e-Conference on New Normal in Education 2020 (IENNE 2020)

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Microsoft Teams is NOT your next LMS

In the past eight months, there has been an astonishing number of changes in how learners receive content and learning materials, as well as the communication methods with instructors. During this period, the changes were far more than what we had seen in the past four to five years combined. Considering how fast institutions had… Continue reading Microsoft Teams is NOT your next LMS


It’s usual to assume bureaucracy is a terrible thing. But interestingly it has its own advantages.I was reading about Bureaucracy Theory and came across the advantages of bureaucracy.It increases creativity, predictability, scalability, and discourages favoritism. Interesting read: #management #creativity #leadership #bureaucracy