A while ago, one of my colleagues suggested reading the book with the title “Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager” by Michael Lopp. I really enjoyed it, and I had to share it with my network.
I am so glad that I took the advise and read the book (actually listened). Thanks, Ismail Siraj.
The conference was organized by Mindware PLT and Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB) UiTM, Shah Alam. IENNE 2020 aims to bring together experts in the field, practitioners, scholars and various stakeholders to share pertinent issues and challenges in emerging ‘new normal’ in COVID-19 environment. It is a great opportunity to discuss new possibilities for sharing insights and to develop sustainable professional networks at an important crossroad towards new normal education.
Session 11 “Business, Marketing, Management and Social Innovations”
11:05-13:00 | November 29, 2020 (Sunday)
Paper ID
Case Study: Organizational growth, the Case ofLEGO Presenter: Reza Ganji.
External Business Communication Strategies: The Case of an International Malaysian University. Presenter: Reza Ganji.
Failed Marketing Strategies: The Case of Home Depot in China. Presenter: Reza Ganji.
International Marketing Communications Strategies in Profit-based vs Non-profit-based Organizations, the Case of Nivea and SWA. Presenter: Reza Ganji.
Sustainability: The Case of Nissan LEAF. Presenter: Reza Ganji.
Session 11 Presentation 1 IENNE-034
Case Study: Organizational growth, the case of LEGO Abstract—This study is focused on LEGO and its challenges regarding technology and culture. First, a brief background of the toy-making company is given, followed by an explanation of the numerous instances where LEGO has used technology to its advantage. Then the disadvantages of technology and the measures that LEGO has taken are discussed, plus the business processes, management functions, and global opportunities that have arisen for LEGO in the digital age. The theory applied in this case study is the diffusion of innovations, by Everett Rogers(1982). Extensive research makes it evident that DOI (diffusion of innovations) has never been studied and applied in the case of LEGO before. So based on data gathered from credible and relevant sources, the LEGO case has been studied from a DOI perspective. Moreover, diversity in all its forms and social media usage by LEGO are analyzed. Finally, challenges faced by LEGO are discussed, followed by recommendations for each problem. Being one of the most beloved brands on the planet, LEGO’s ability to remain popular for eighty years is an indicator of its high-quality products and excellent services. In order to maintain this status, LEGO has made tremendous efforts to reach out to its audience globally and still has a long way to go. LEGO continues to foster imagination and creativity in generations to come and to engage with its target groups on a larger scale than ever before, thanks to modern technology. Technology has created a paradigm shift for this traditional, family-owned business and yet it has more potential to be discovered. LEGO has influenced the way of thinking of many people globally and it can do so even more effectively and widely if it utilizes social media platforms and technology more profusely.
Session 11 Presentation 3 IENNE-035
External Business Communication Strategies: The Case of an International Malaysian University Abstract— The main purpose of this paper is to focus on the external communication strategies of APU (Asia Pacific University), Malaysia. In order to do so, first, the history and background of APU is presented. Then the definition and functions of external communication, in general, and that of APU, in particular, are defined. In the next section, the challenges faced in their external communication policy are looked into and multiple theories are applied to the case, such as Cultivation Theory, Uses and Gratification Theory, and Spiral of Silence Theory. The findings of this research are based on primary data gathered from APU students. A questionnaire was developed with the focus on APU external communication strategies and questions were asked from students in a focus group. In addition to that, the researcher has conducted an interview with the Senior Manager of Marketing and Business Development at APU and used that information for further investigation of the issue. Next, the theories are applied to the findings and lastly, recommendations are offered to improve the shortcomings of APU’s external communication policy. Effective external communication is essential for a business to survive and thrive. In order for a company to flourish, clear and concise communication is of the essence. Cloudy, ambiguous external messages lead to negative impact, backlash, and a decrease in revenue. In the case of APU, clarity about the standards of education and the process of registration should be communicated clearly and honestly with regards to different cultures as it is an international university; messages should be adapted to audiences. Moreover, external communication needs to be bidirectional, interactive, objective, accurate, reliable, clear, and accessible to the target audience to serve its purpose. APU has done a fairly good job regarding its external communication, but there is always room for improvement.
Session 11 Presentation 4 IENNE-036
Failed Marketing Strategies: The Case of Home Depot in China Abstract— In this study, the researcher has looked into the background and history of Home Depot Inc. The development of HD branches in China is discussed, followed by the analysis of the reasons for its failure in the Chinese market based on the four-dimensional host country culture analysis model for international retailers: Culture-Environment-Lifestyle-Mentality (CELM). Many case studies of Home Depot’s failure in China have already been based on Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions, but few studies have considered a host culture analysis framework, hence the choice of the CELM model. Next, some strategies are suggested for the re-entry of HD into the Chinese market based on CELM. Lastly, online and offline strategies for HD to deal with stakeholders are suggested. The two most important takeaways from this paper are the companies can’t just “parachute” in the new culture, they need to get in tune with cultural cues to stay on the path to success, and that doing well in the company’s home market does not necessarily mean the same will be true in another market. Unlike Argentina and Chile, where the market was not financially viable for HD to revise their strategies, the Chinese market has too much potential to overlook. So HD is determined to make it work in China whether through physical stores or via e-commerce.
Session 11 Presentation 5 IENNE-038
International Marketing Communications Strategies in Profit-based vsNon-profit-based Organizations, the Case of Nivea and SWA Abstract— In this study, the researcher has chosen two organizations of totally different natures: the first one is a profit-based company and the second is a charitable organization. NIVEA FOR MEN has been chosen as the former and Scottish Women’s Aid as the latter. To begin with, the target audience of NIVEA FOR MEN and SWA have been studied and compared closely. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) factors in their different market segmentations and the difference between marketing objectives of the two organizations have been thoroughly discussed. The focus of the study, however, is to devise a proper IMC (International Marketing Communications) mix for each organization and discuss how and why their marketing plans are and should be different, and differences between the two proposed IMC mixes have been critically discussed. The concept of IMC tools and their roles and functions, along with the emerging issues and challenges, have been analyzed in the UK market for the purpose of this case study. Challenges and ways to evaluate the success of the developed IMC mixes have been analyzed and solutions have been suggested for potential problems wherever applicable. All organizations need to apply IMC tools to create a competitive advantage, retain customers and boost sales. NGOs, on the other hand, use IMC tools for a totally different purpose: they need to attract volunteers (not customers), raise funds (not sales), and have loyal supporters (not customers). When designing a marketing strategy, the company’s vision, mission, and nature should be considered. This study shows how the IMC mixes suggested for NIVEA FOR MEN -as a profit-based corporate- and SWA- as a charitable organization- differ to suit their unique goals. SWA mostly uses online marketing, because it is low cost and that is very crucial to them. Unlike NIVEA FOR MEN, SWA does not have any giveaways, free samples, promotions, or discounts. They can’t take a long-term perspective on revenue, because they need it on a daily basis; whereas Nivea can afford to sacrifice short-term ROI (return on investment) for long-term profit. Nivea uses above-the-line advertising to promote their products, whereas SWA has to compete with other charitable organizations for free media time or PSA (public service announcements). NIVEA FOR MEN utilizes an experiential appeal to attract customers, but SWA attempts for ethical arousal to achieve its objectives. In addition to that, the target group for these two organizations differs greatly so the IMC tools differ to reach each company’s target audience. SWA mostly addresses less educated people who are more likely to abuse or suffer from abuse, whereas Nivea is targeted at middle and higher social class who have surpassed the first few stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and have reached a comparative level of comfort to consider aesthetics.
Session 11 Presentation 6 IENNE-039
Sustainability: The Case of Nissan LEAF Abstract— In this paper, the researcher has investigated deeply Nissan’s business strategies with a focus on LEAF EV. A thorough SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis has been conducted leading to the diagnosis of micro and macro-level challenges. Then new market opportunities have been analyzed based on PLC (product life cycle) and IPAT (impact = population x affluence x technology). Nissan’s mission, vision, and code of conduct have been looked into in order to better evaluate the corporate’s sustainability objectives and values. Nissan’s marketing strategies have been established on the basis of its market segmentation, targeting, and positioning along with the analysis of 4 C’s. And last, but not least, a sustainability social campaign in Malaysia has been designed for Nissan. Nissan has touched lives and societies with its exclusive sustainable approach to business activities, long-term sustainable profit-making, influential social enhancement programs, and their unique conscientious approach towards usage of natural resources. And their “Last LEAF” (referring to O’Henry’s masterpiece) is their winning card, introducing safe, eco-friendly, and zero-emission mobility for all ages. It strives to improve urban air quality and the environment through green technologies implemented in EVs. Nissan adheres strictly to its detailed and precise code of conduct to build mutual trust with its stakeholders. Like all businesses, Nissan is also faced with challenges, such as a lack of charging units in Malaysia and the charging time, which is relatively long. The company has come a long way and has a long way ahead.
Session 10
“Resources and Quality of Life”14:55-16:50 | November 28, 2020 (Saturday)
Paper ID
Intercultural Competence: The Case of Iranian University Students in Malaysia. Presenter: Reza Ganji.
Session 10 Presentation 2 IENNE-037
Intercultural Competence: The Case of Iranian University Students inMalaysia Abstract—It is impossible to survive in the modern interdependent and highly connected world of today without learning about and being sensitive to different cultures, be it organizational culture, artistic culture, political culture, etc. In the modern world of cross-border and cross-continent mobility, it is crucial to take intercultural competence seriously and consider it an essential life skill. It is almost impossible to avoid intercultural communication of a sort in today’s globalized world. In this paper, the researcher has looked into the cultural similarities and differences between Iran and Malaysia affecting Iranian university students in Malaysia. To achieve this objective, Iranian respondents of different age groups were chosen, given questionnaires, and interviewed. The results show that among the chosen factors, only age and length of stay in Malaysia affect their adaptation level. Older students took longer to adapt and those with a longer duration of stay in Malaysia had adapted more to the local culture. The results of the interviews were then critically analyzed, applying relevant communication theories and models wherever applicable. A set of useful guidelines for achieving intercultural competence was developed based on lengthy research and in the end, the researcher has suggested some communication areas for further research. This research was done with three objectives in mind. First, to explore some of the challenging areas regarding cultural conflict and culture gaps between Iran and Malaysia by conducting a survey among Iranian university students residing in Malaysia. Secondly, to apply Intercultural Adaptation Theory in real life. And thirdly, to develop a set of guidelines for intercultural competence. All of these goals were achieved successfully.
It’s usual to assume bureaucracy is a terrible thing. But interestingly it has its own advantages. I was reading about Bureaucracy Theory and came across the advantages of bureaucracy. It increases creativity, predictability, scalability, and discourages favoritism.