Configuring AWS Control Tower with AWS SSO and Azure AD

Limitations: AWS SSO Limitations: Azure Active Directory (AAD) Limitations: Control Tower Limitations: Miscellaneous Limitations: Considerations: When configuring AWS Control Tower with AWS SSO and Azure Active Directory (AAD), there are several considerations to keep in mind: Configuration: To configure AWS Control Tower with AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) and Azure Active Directory (AAD), you need to… Continue reading Configuring AWS Control Tower with AWS SSO and Azure AD

This is how we hit the limit in Amazon EFS

When we architect the application, it is essential to consider the current metrics and monitoring logs to ensure its design is future-proof. But sometimes, we do not have the necessary logs to make the right decisions. In that case, we will let the application run in an architecture that we think seems optimized – using… Continue reading This is how we hit the limit in Amazon EFS

Communication and failure in information flow

Communication is the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information; “an apparent answer to the painful divisions between self and other, private and public, and inner thought and outer word.”. According to the Oxford dictionary, communication means “the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or giving people… Continue reading Communication and failure in information flow

How to use EFS to store cx_Oracle, Pandas, and other python packages?

This post focuses on how to use the EFS storage to store large packages and libraries like cx_Oracle, pandas, and pymssql and import the packages in AWS Lambda. Considering the Lambda package size limitation that is inclusive of layers, larger functions packages and libraries must be stored outside the Lambda package. There are some steps… Continue reading How to use EFS to store cx_Oracle, Pandas, and other python packages?

Microsoft Teams is NOT your next LMS

In the past eight months, there has been an astonishing number of changes in how learners receive content and learning materials, as well as the communication methods with instructors. During this period, the changes were far more than what we had seen in the past four to five years combined. Considering how fast institutions had… Continue reading Microsoft Teams is NOT your next LMS

Malaysian Health Data Warehouse at the Minister’s Fingertips!

Minister of Health accessing Malaysian health data warehouse using Amazon Alexa to query KPI of hospitals at SNOMED International Kuala Lumpur. This was a PoC Project done in collaboration between APU and MoH to bring the health warehouse to the Alexa assistant. The Alexa back-end was done by my good friend and colleague Mustafa (Bofa).… Continue reading Malaysian Health Data Warehouse at the Minister’s Fingertips!